Church of England Birmingham ..... Praying Together - August 2024

Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.

We also have a printable version to download here.


Thursday 1 August

Heavenly Father, we pray for the work to be done following General Synod members backing the motion to affirm the human dignity of disabled children. We pray for the church to be a leader in accepting people with disabilities; and to invest time and attention into figuring out ways of welcoming and supporting families with disabilities.

Friday 2 August

Olwyn Powell invites us to pray,

Almighty Father, let us pray for all those who are travelling on holiday during the summer months. Lord keep them safe and also those who provide travel services for them. 

Saturday 3 August

Prayer today is for a Fresh Expressions,

We are invited to pray for Forest Church, Shirley.

Lord we pray for wisdom in extending the reach of Forest Church and for how we can make strong links with Messy Church. We pray for good weather and increased attendance.

Sunday 4 August

Jean-Baptiste Vianney, Curé d’Ars, Spiritual Guide, 1859

Today's prayer is from Catherine Grylls,

O Christ, give us the gift
of looking towards you
at every moment.
So often we forget that you
live within us, that you are
praying within us,
that you are loving within us.
Your miracle in us is your trust
and your forgiveness, always 
offered in that unique communion
which is called the Church

Brother Roger of Taizé (1921-2004)

Monday 5 August

Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr, 642

Prayer today is for Summerfield, 

Lord, we pray for the team at Christ Church, Summerfield church revitalisation, that they have positive engagements with under 25’s in the local community and that these young people come to know God

Tuesday 6 August

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

We are invited to pray for the 24 people who have signed up to 'Children and Families leadership formation', 

Oh Lord we pray that this course is beneficial to all who attend, and they remain committed and supported to complete it. 

Wednesday 7 August

John Mason Neale, Priest, Hymn Writer, 1866

Prayer today is for Pype Hayes,

We pray for wisdom for the team at St Mary’s, Pype Hayes as they continue to assess and develop the church works, which will make the church more accessible and useable. We pray that funding becomes available to make this possible.

Thursday 8 August

Dominic, Priest, Founder of the Order of Preachers, 1221

Prayer today is for Gas Street South,

We pray for the Gas Street South worshipping community, that they find a more suitable building for their services, for their growing congregation. God, please unblock whatever spiritual strongholds are holding back this church's search for a new home.

Friday 9 August

Mary Sumner, Founder of the Mothers’ Union, 1921

Prayer today is for the Ministry Pathway,

We pray that the recruitment of participants will continue well for all cohorts in this pathway and for enablers as they go through the learning community model, that they will be encouraged and equipped to train others.

Saturday 10 August

Laurence, Deacon at Rome, Martyr, 258

Father, please surround our elderly with your protection. Keep them safe both physically and emotionally. Bless them with the gift of wisdom, patience and grace. Let them be a source of inspiration and encouragement to those around them. May they continue to share their wisdom and knowledge with others, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Sunday 11 August

Clare of Assisi, Founder of the Minoresses (Poor Clares), 1253

Prayer today is from Canon Claire Laland, Malawi Task Group,

Those living in Upper Shire Diocese, Malawi, invite us to pray with them to thank God for the enthronement of their new Bishop, Rt Revd William Mchombo. Bishop William was enthroned at St Peter and Paul Cathedral in Mangoshi in May this year. Upper Shire had been without a Bishop for over a year and all give thanks to God as they look forward to the future.

Monday 12 August

Prayer today is inspired by International Youth Day,

We thank you for the youths among us, within our families, in our church and in our community.
Lord we pray for wisdom from above, to guard their hearts and minds.
We pray that youths be understanding of others as they seek to be understood themselves.
We pray that you will help them find purpose and meaning in life, as they discover their own purpose in the things of eternity.
We pray they will develop love and passion for God.

Tuesday 13 August

Florence Nightingale, Nurse, Social Reformer, 1910

Prayer today is inspired by Genesis 8:22,

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
summer and winter, day and night,
shall not cease.

Wednesday 14 August

Maximilian Kolbe, Friar, Martyr, 1941

Prayer today is from the Aston & Sutton Coldfield Children and Families Mission Enablers (CFME), 

Lord, we pray for the new worshipping community 'Church on Jarvis' at St Margarets Short Heath. For the faith journey of those attending together with sustainability for the leadership team.  We ask for God to bring new leaders and show to us the potential in new leaders.

Thursday 15 August

The Blessed Virgin Mary
Heavenly Father, thank you for caring about my life. Thank you that I can talk to you about everything. I have lots of concerns so I’m bringing each one to you. Thank you for promising to give me your peace. 

Friday 16 August

Prayer today is for St Bartholomew’s Allens Cross,

Heavenly Father, we pray for the Allens Cross church community, that they continue to know God’s guidance as the building of their new church building progresses and we support them on this journey.

Saturday 17 August

John Nightingale invites us to pray, 

Loving God, you give us the wisdom to know and courage to do what is right, we thank you that our government has committed itself to promoting more green energy and better house insulation. We ask it may give a lead to Birmingham Council Net Zero Team, BrumEnergy and all of us, in putting these policies into practice.

Sunday 18 August

Prayer today is for the CFM Overarching Project,

Lord, we thank you for the CFM Project. Please pray for successful recruitment, that we find the right person for Yardley & Solihull deanery and that through this, more people will come to know Jesus.

Monday 19 August

Today is World Humanitarian Day,

O God, who would fold both heaven and earth in a single peace:
let the design of thy great love
lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows:
and give peace to thy Church,
peace among nations,
peace in our dwellings,
and peace in our hearts:
through thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Photo OCHA-2023


Tuesday 20 August

William and Catherine Booth, Founders of the Salvation Army, 1912 and 1890

Revd Louise Beasley, Assistant Curate in Lickey and Blackwell, invites us to pray,  

Jesus, in your name, we pray for Cycle Church, hosted by St Catherine's Church in Blackwell. Throughout 2024, we ask that this fresh expression of Church will attract those who are new to the Christian faith.  We ask that all who worship through Cycle Church, experience your love through your beautiful creation as we ride. Please protect us and help us to be a blessing to each other and everyone we meet on our monthly rides.

Wednesday 21 August

Prayer today is for Bearwood Revitalisation, 

Father, please raise up the leaders at St Mary’s Bearwood, building capacity within the team and supporting new individuals to step up. Grow individual’s skills and capacity supporting the church enabling the load to be shared.

Thursday 22 August

Prayer today is from the Coleshill & Polesworth CFME, 

Lord we pray for Ignite Youth Group, The Whitacres, Lea Marston and Shustoke, that new volunteers are found to support this group and the young people who are attending, so they can continue to gather to talk about life's big questions and faith.

Friday 23 August

Today is International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition,

Almighty and most loving God,
through your Son Jesus, who came among us as a slave,
choosing rather to serve his disciples than to be served by them;
help us in our weakness not to seek to oppress others,
nor to make peace with any form of exploitation,
but in all things earnestly and of our own free will,
to seek to serve each other following Christ’s good example;
this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Saturday 24 August

Bartholomew the Apostle

Prayer today is from the Warley & Edgbaston CFME,

We pray that the leads for new project activities within Warley & Edgbaston deanery for children and families will be fruitful, and that new young people come to know God and build their faith through our activities.

Sunday 25 August

Catherine Grylls invites us to pray,

O Sabbath rest by Galilee!
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee
The silence of eternity
Interpreted by love!

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm.

Monday 26 August

Prayer today is for Safe Spaces for Young People,

Father almighty, we pray for the churches who are considering setting up Safe Spaces for young people, that they recruit enough volunteers to support their project activities and they find ways to make new connections with young people in their neighbourhood.

Tuesday 27 August

Monica, mother of Augustine of Hippo, 387
We give thanks for the Places of Worship Heritage Trail around Handsworth and Lozells. We pray that those taking this walk learn about the rich variety of religious communities who live alongside one another and understand the diversity that is found across Birmingham and the West Midlands.

Wednesday 28 August

Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Teacher of the Faith, 430

Prayer today is for the Oversight Formation Area, Kings Norton, Moseley & Shirley,

In Jesus name, we lift up the Oversight Formation Area of Kings Norton, Moseley & Shirley, that they, and all new oversight areas will explore how to work together in new ways, collaborate together in mission and share existing resources between them more effectively.

Thursday 29 August

The Beheading of John the Baptist

Prayer today is for those taking part in Growing Gifts (training and formation for leading worship or preaching on an occasional basis, locally authorised),

Gracious and Holy God
send down upon your Church
the riches of your Spirit.
Lead us in your Light
And guide us by your Grace.
Open our hearts to your Wisdom
And nourish us with your Goodness.
May our words and lives proclaim you
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Friday 30 August

John Bunyan, Spiritual Writer, 1688

Prayer today is from the Coleshill & Polesworth Children and Families Mission Enablers (CFME), 

Almighty God, we pray for Coleshill & Polesworth parishes to engage with new children and families and provide a pathway for them to build their faith through joining worshipping communities and becoming new disciples.

Saturday 31 August

Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 651

Olwyn Powell invites us to pray,

The Church family of St Peter & St Paul’s Water Orton seek prayer for their weekend away 6 - 8 September.  We pray that they will be blessed and sanctified as a community of believers and grow as a church in love for one another.

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