Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.
We also have a printable version to download here.
Friday 1 November
All Saints' Day
The Collect of the day,
God of holiness,
your glory is proclaimed in every age:
as we rejoice in the faith of your saints,
inspire us to follow their example
with boldness and joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Saturday 2 November
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day)
Loving God, we remember now in prayer our dearly departed. May they rest in peace with you and experience the eternal joy of heaven. Heal our grief, merciful Lord, strengthen our hope that we, too, will one day share in the resurrection of your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Sunday 3 November
Richard Hooker, Priest, Anglican Apologist, Teacher of the Faith, 1600
Gas Street Longbridge invite us to pray,
Thank you, Lord, for favour with Albert Bradbeer primary school and the individuals who are coming to faith. We pray for the new After School club to start well and also similar favour with other schools in the parish. Amen |
Monday 4 November
Creator God, we pray for all those who are involved in the work of communications and media. Grant them wisdom and creativity as they embrace new technologies in your name.
Tuesday 5 November
Dear Lord, Help me to demonstrate kindness everywhere I go. Remind me to share smiles, share friendship, and spread kindness today and always.
Wednesday 6 November
William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, Teacher of the Faith, 1944
Prayer today is inspired by James 1:17,
"Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
Thursday 7 November
Willibrord of York, Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739
Loving God, please guide those facing financial struggles; grant them strength, wisdom, and support during these challenging times, and help them find peace and provision.
Friday 8 November
The Saints and Martyrs of England
John Nightingale invites us to pray for Footsteps (Faiths for a Low Carbon Future) who are holding a multi-faith festival for local eco-action at Hodge Hill Church tomorrow.
Our Father, we pray that faith communities and their members may find vision, guidance and support. Amen |
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Saturday 9 November
Margery Kempe, Mystic, c.1440
Today is World Adoption Day,
Dear God, our Father, please help all parents in their role as a mother or father. Make them an instrument of your peace and love. Inspire all parents to provide the best example for their children in their words, actions, and temperament.
We pray for those who open their homes, their lives or their hearts to vulnerable children – foster carers, adoptive parents, kinship carers, social workers, teachers, therapists and other professionals. Lord God would you strengthen, encourage and uphold each one.
Sunday 10 November
Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 461
Inter Faith Week, 10-17 November, is timed to begin each year on Remembrance Sunday, to encourage people to remember together the service of people of all faiths and none,
O God of the nations, as we look to that day when you will gather people from north and south, east and west, into the unity of your peaceable Kingdom, guide with your just and gentle wisdom all who take counsel for the nations of the world, that all your people may spend their days in security, freedom, and peace, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen |
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Monday 11 November
Martin, Bishop of Tours, c.397
Prayer today is for the children and youth volunteers who have just started the Flex Foundations course.
We ask you, O God, to inspire, equip, challenge, and encourage all participants through their engagement in this new foundational children and youth course. Their passion and love for the work they already do will increase, and they will be inspired by what they learn.
We also ask for your blessing upon those who have been recently commissioned by Bishop Michael to do children's work in their parishes after they completed the Commissioned Children’s Pathway Program.
With your help, may they all find ways to apply what they have learnt and grown in, to their church and community context.
Tuesday 12 November
Prayer today is inspired by COP 29 which takes place from 11-22 November,
God of blessings, Deepen our gratitude for all you have made and awaken in us a renewed commitment to care for the earth and each other. Inspire world leaders at COP29 (11-22 November), with openness to listen to those most affected by climate change and with courage to act urgently and wisely, so that our common home may be healed and restored and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it. Amen |
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Wednesday 13 November
Charles Simeon, Priest, Evangelical Divine, 1836
Aston Sutton Coldfield CFME, invites us to pray,
Lord we pray for recruitment of a new Children and Families Mission Enabler role at St Barnabas, Erdington. We ask that the successful recruitment would have a big impact on the ongoing work with children and young people in the parish and oversight area.
Thursday 14 November
Samuel Seabury, first Anglican Bishop in North America, 1796
Dear God, as winter approaches, shelter the homeless in your warmth. Inspire all within the CofEB area to open their hearts, providing hope, food, and warmth.
Friday 15 November
Canon Claire Laland, Malawi Task Group, invites us to pray,
Dear Father, we pray for all those in Malawi who have been diagnosed with cancer and the many who have to undertake long and exhausting journeys in order to receive treatment. We give thanks that recently Malawi was able to install a radiotherapy machine and more are expected to arrive next year. We give thanks too for the doctors and nurses who work with cancer patients in Malawi.
Saturday 16 November
Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer of the Church, 1093
Safe Spaces for Young People, invite us to pray,
Dear Lord, we pray for the Safe Spaces clusters, that they grow, and relationships are formed that support young people across the city clusters. |
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Sunday 17 November
Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200
Lord, we thank you for your enduring presence and perfect wisdom that illuminates the thoughts, decisions and actions of our Synod members and those who voluntarily work in church governance roles. Bless them with your endless patience, compassion and love.
Monday 18 November
Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231
Gas Street South invite us to pray,
Lord we pray for the Gas Street South Communities to strengthen this church, that through these groups, new leaders are identified and mentored in this growing church. Amen |
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Tuesday 19 November
Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680
Father in Heaven,
We look to you for peace in a world filled with anger.
We look to you for hope in a world filled with despair.
We look to you for love in a world filled with hatred.
Grant wisdom in our future.
Bring compassion to our hearts.
Wednesday 20 November
Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr, 870
Prayer today is inspired by #RedWednesday,
A set of new resources has been launched by CofE to support churches and individuals in responding to the global challenge of religious persecution.
Loving God, we pray for all people around the world who are taking part in Red Wednesday in any way. We pray for all the parishes, schools and individuals who are taking time to pray, fundraise and take action. We pray for all those around the world who suffer discrimination and persecution for their faith. May we ask for the strength to build Your Kingdom here on earth. Let us make a place where all are welcome, and all are free to practice their faith in peace. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen |
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Thursday 21 November
Gracious God, You are the one who dwells in heaven, watching over us, seeing us and hearing us, and forgiving us. No pain and no joy is beyond your awareness, and no fault and no sin is beyond your forgiveness. Help us to hear this good news from heaven each and every day – the glad tidings that we are never alone and that we are not left without your presence and your love in the world.
Friday 22 November
Cecilia, Martyr at Rome, c.230
We are invited to pray for St Bartholomew’s, Allens Cross,
God of mission, who alone brings growth to your Church. Send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions and power to our witness. Help our church to grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment to you, and in service to our local community, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen |
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Saturday 23 November
Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c.100
The National Youth Ministry Weekend is held at Resorts World Birmingham from 22-24 November. It is an annual event where thousands of youth and children's work from across the country descend on Birmingham for teaching, fellowship, and inspiration from the conference organised by Youth Scape.
We pray for the generosity of St Swithin's House Trustees and our generous hosts who are opening their homes to youth workers this weekend, for welcoming hearts and great conversations. We pray also for Emma Sargeant, CofEB Growing Younger Advisor, as she leads a seminar over the weekend. We pray that all those who attend will be refreshed and inspired as they crave time out to meet with God and each other. Amen |
Sunday 24 November
The Parish of St Matthew with St Chad, invites us to pray,
Lord we thank you for our Oversight Area and pray for the people of the churches and Parishes. Bless all those you send us to serve. This we ask in Jesus name.
Monday 25 November
Isaac Watts, Hymn Writer, 1748
Prayer today is sinpreid by Paslm 99:3,
"Let them praise your great and awesome name.
Holy is he!"
Tuesday 26 November
Rev Ruth, St Michael and All Angels Bartley Green invites us to pray,
Almighty God, we pray for our building works to improve the church hall so that we can safeguard vulnerable groups and be able to use the whole church facilities more freely. Give your blessings as we apply for grants and watch over our building team as they work with us.
Wednesday 27 November
Father God, as we prepare our hearts for the season of Advent and the celebration to come, grant us peace and calm amid the busy season. Allow us to share in the Good News with friends, family and work colleagues as opportunity arises. Grant us courage and a real willingness to talk about the love that came down to earth and walked among us. Amen |
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Thursday 28 November
Prayer today is for all who are taking new steps into faith, or deepening in faith,
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for our church leaders in CofEB. We appreciate their commitment to guiding our communities in faith, providing support, and spreading your message of love and hope.
Friday 29 November
Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the Missionary Work of the Church
Lighthouse Church at St Marys Pype Hayes, invites us to pray,
Lord we pray to see the transformation in the communities of Pype Hayes, through Jesus's love being made known, as St Mary’s Lighthouse reach out as a church.
We also ask for the successful recruitment of the part-time Youth Pastor role (Outreach), that the right individual comes forward in the next round of recruitment.
Saturday 30 November
Andrew the Apostle
The Parish of St Matthew with St Chad, invites us to pray,
Lord we pray that all that we are in body, mind, heart and spirit can be used to your glory in the service of all people. Amen |