Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.
We also have a printable version to download here.
Sunday 1 September
Giles of Provence, Hermit, c.710
John Nightingale invites us to pray,
St Giles Day marks the start of Creationtide. Giles was a hermit in France who was injured by an arrow when shielding a deer, and is a patron saint of animals and people wth disabilities.
Lord, we thank you for those who protect the weak from the violence of the strong, and we pray for greater compassion to be shown towards your creation.
Monday 2 September
The Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1901 and 1942
Loving God, we ask for support for our parishes in the Deanery of Coleshill & Polesworth to engage with new children and families. Help provide a pathway for them to build their faith through joining worshipping communities and becoming new disciples.
Tuesday 3 September
Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 604
Lord, help me find my rest in you. Help me to pay attention to my soul as well as my body. Help me to hear your gentle voice above all the others that clamor for my attention. You will show me those things you want me to do, and you will be right there beside me as I do them, giving me strength. Amen |
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Wednesday 4 September
Birinus, Bishop of Dorchester (Oxon), Apostle of Wessex, 650
Revd Canon Catherine Grylls invites us to pray for those who share in the ministry of Spiritual Accompaniment.
O God, you love us with a perfect love. We give thanks for all those who share in the ministry of Spiritual Accompaniment. Give us all the gifts of grace we need to listen for your leading.
Thursday 5 September
On International Day of Charity we are invited to pray,
Lord, Grant us wisdom to respond effectively to the needs of your people with grace and compassion. Give us the courage to speak your words of life, peace, love, mercy and human solidarity. Bless the people whom we serve, and strengthen the staff and volunteers who reach out to them every day in your spirit of charity.
Friday 6 September
Allen Gardiner, Missionary, Founder of the South American Mission Society, 1851
Revd Manda Featherstone invites us to pray for St Mary's Wythall as they offer the four-week '321 Course'.
Father, as people explore the Christian faith, we pray that they will experience God's love and meet with Jesus.
Saturday 7 September
Net Zero Carbon - Property Team invite us to pray,
Lord, you have created the most wonderful planet for us, we pray that your creation is protected for future generations and that work towards reducing carbon emissions is seen across all levels and key parts of the life of the CofEB. |
Sunday 8 September
The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Eternal God, the whole world is full of your glory.
We bear forth the anguish of Creation in the time of the climate crisis to you.
In your grace, grant us the opportunity to do good, as your created co-creators.
Monday 9 September
Charles Fuge Lowder, Priest, 1880
Lord, we pray for the newly started central Sutton Oversight Area youth group and for all the Oversight Areas as they start their mission sessions, that they will find really clear purposes to gather around in mission and shared life.
Tuesday 10 September
A prayer offered by Birmingham Cathedral for peace in a time of disorder,
God of love, our hearts are broken as we see hatred and violence in our land. We pray for peace and justice on our streets and in our communities, for those injured or frightened, for peacemakers, for the emergency services. Lord of life inspire us with a vision of your kingdom so that together we may overcome division and see your justice and mercy triumph in all the earth. May we shine as lights in the world bringing your peace and love to our beautiful and diverse city region. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen |
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Wednesday 11 September
Today’s prayer is inspired by the song ‘Thanksgiving’ from Gas Street Music,
“What shall we do, we shall lift up a shout
What shall we do, we shall praise Him
What shall we do for our God made a way
We’ll give Him our Thanksgiving".
You can listen to this song on YouTube.
Thursday 12 September
The PMO Team Intercultural Project, invites us to pray,
Heavenly Father, we pray for our CofEB church communities to have a desire to take the risks involved with intercultural mission and for good connections with church leaders.
Friday 13 September
John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, Teacher of the Faith, 407
Dear God, give me eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith. Amen |
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Saturday 14 September
Holy Cross Day
Revd Canon Catherine Grylls invites us to pray for those all involved in University Chaplaincy,
O God, you are present everywhere and hold us in your love. We give thanks for all who offer Chaplaincy presence in our universities. We pray for staff, students and local churches as the new year begins.
Sunday 15 September
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr, 258
Lord of all creation, we pray for farmers and producers across the world who are living with the ravages and fear of climate change threatening their livelihoods and income. Lord please protect the farmers, animals and crops as the autumn and winter months approach. Amen |
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Monday 16 September
Ninian, Bishop of Galloway, Apostle of the Picts, c.432
Loving Lord, we pray for the climate crisis and the devastating impact on children’s lives and future generations. We thank you for young people and their passion and conviction to care for and protect your world for the common good.
Tuesday 17 September
Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen, Visionary, 1179
The Revd Canon Catherine Grylls invites us to pray for all those taking part in Growing Gifts and preparing to step into locally authorised ministry either preaching or leading worship on an occasional basis,
O God, you give many and varied gifts to your people. We give thanks for all who are taking part in the Growing Gifts programme. We pray for them and the churches they are part of as they prepare to step into locally authorised ministry either preaching or leading worship on an occasional basis.
Wednesday 18 September
God of Creation, we give thanks for the miracle of healthcare.
For all in the NHS whose skill, dedication and compassion we rely upon.
We commit to work for justice in healthcare provision,
for care for all who need it – according to their need.
In the name of Jesus who came to bring life we pray.
Thursday 19 September
Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690
Prayer today is inspired by Acts 11:21,
"And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number that believed turned to the Lord."
Friday 20 September
John Coleridge Patteson, First Bishop of Melanesia, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1871
Canon Claire Laland, Malawi Task Group, invites us to pray,
As the container with gifts for Malawi will be leaving the Midlands tomorrow, we pray for all individuals and parishes involved in collecting goods, packing and sending the gifts on their way. We pray also for those receiving them in Malawi and for a safe journey for the container. Amen |
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Saturday 21 September
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Revd Canon Catherine Grylls invites us to pray for one another as we gather together in Oversight Areas to share in Mission Planning together,
Three-in-one God, you have created us in your image to be in community. We give thanks for our sisters and brothers in neighbouring churches and parishes. We pray for one another as we gather together in Oversight Areas to share in Mission Planning together and grow your church.
Sunday 22 September
Revd Manda Featherstone invites us to pray,
Loving God, we give thanks for those who have attended Alpha at St Mary's Wythall and who are growing in their faith.
Monday 23 September
Mother Charlotte, CofEB Anglo Catholic Missioner, invites us to pray,
God we pray you breathe life into each context and that you would draw people who are waiting to be invited.
Tuesday 24 September
Loving God, thank you for your unfailing love and your deep and peaceful rest. In your name we pray. Amen |
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Wednesday 25 September
Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, Spiritual Writer, 1626
Prayer today is inspired by Romans 12:12,
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.”
Thursday 26 September
Wilson Carlile, Founder of the Church Army, 1942
God of boundless energy and light, we thank you for the courage and passion of Wilson Carlile who, after the example of your Son, sought new ways to open your Church to diverse leaders as beacons of the Gospel of Christ. Quicken our hearts to give bold witness to Jesus Christ; who with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever.
Friday 27 September
Vincent de Paul, Founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists), 1660
Handsworth & Central Oversight Area invites us to pray,
O Father, grant us hearts filled with compassion and respect as we navigate conflicts.
May we seek understanding, show kindness, and work towards peaceful resolutions.
Saturday 28 September
Revd Canon Catherine Grylls invites us to pray for the facilitators of Growing Gifts who are gathering for a Quiet Day today,
O God, you call us to work with you and to rest with you. We give thanks for opportunities to come aside and rest awhile. We pray for the Readers who are facilitators for the Growing Gifts programme on a Quiet Day together today.
Sunday 29 September
Michael and All Angels
Throughout Fairtrade Fortnight we are invited to pray,
Lord hear our prayer for the Fairtrade movement – for all who campaign and spread the message. May our love to each other and to your creation deepen our commitment and determination so that voices will be heard more loudly and that the impact of our campaigning will increase. We ask these things in the name of Jesus.
Monday 30 September
Jerome, Translator of the Scriptures, Teacher of the Faith, 420
Our Father, guide us towards a future filled with hope and light. May your wisdom illuminate our path, leading us to success and fulfillment in all our endeavours. Amen |
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