People & Places

People & Places is the framework in which Church of England Birmingham operates to enable its leaders and to live out its vision for 'growing churches at the heart of each community'.

The traditional model where each church is led by a single 'vicar' is not solely sufficient to serve the people of our diverse, urban and rural region.

This model is intended to enable growth and recognise and equip God's people to be capable disciples and leaders. It allows for fair and generous distribution of resources and contributes towards a sustainable future for all the people and places of Church of England Birmingham.

The 3 videos below will provide you with the overview of the vision of People and Places, an understanding of oversight ministry and the final video is from Bishop Anne and provides you with the next steps in the process.


People and Places

Oversight Ministry


People & Places - The next two years

For further information contact

Bev Heritage - People & Places Programme Support Officer

Tel: 0121 426 0400
Click here to email

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