The Bishop's scheme for Ministerial Development Review (MDR) has been in place in this Diocese for many years and continues to be a vital source of reflection for Clergy on their vocation and ministry.
All Clergy beneficed or licensed under Common Tenure are required by the regulations to participate in Continuing Ministerial Development, and in Ministerial Development Reviews.
We ask clergy to do an MDR each year, which is part of the Bishop’s care and provision for his ministers, and provides a valuable opportunity for reflection, taking stock, and identifying future priorities and directions in ministry.
The process is as follows:
- Clergy are invited to choose a consultant from a list of ordained and lay people who undertake this role. If you are new to the Diocese, want to change your Consultant or are aware your Consultant is no longer conducting MDRs you can obtain the details of available consultants from Chris Booth, HR Support Officer at Some Clergy ask us to choose a Consultant for them. We then check that the Consultant is happy to take you on, and notify you of this so that you can arrange a date to meet them – and you should do this certainly by the time you have been in post for 12 months.
- Once a consultant is chosen, Clergy are also invited to choose two or three people (including at least one lay person) who they can trust to comment fairly and objectively on their ministry to provide feedback. There is a simple template for you to send to these people with questions for them to respond to available here. There is also a preparation document available here with some questions to start framing reflections on your ministry which you should complete prior to your review. The Preparation Form and Feedback Form should be sent to your Consultant prior to your review.
- At the end of your Review with your consultant, you are asked to together complete a confidential summary form which is available here which should be sent to the Bishop’s Office. There is also a form here to record your learning and development over the past year and to note areas for further development, which should be returned to the Bishop’s Adviser for Clergy CME.
- Control of information in this process rests firmly with the Minister. The choice of Consultant rests with you, and your review conversation and the form remains confidential. You choose who comments on your ministry, and you control what goes on your summary papers for the Bishop and CMD Adviser.
The Bishop places trust and confidence in this Scheme and the Archdeacons and Area Deans are asked to ensure that Clergy take part where this is a requirement. If you have any queries about this process, do please contact The Revd Canon Dr Mark Pryce or your Archdeacon, and they will be happy to speak with you.