Growing Gifts - call to authorised worship leader


Who is this for?

Growing Gifts is a programme of formation and training for those who are called within a local church to lead worship or preach on an occasional basis, locally authorised.

It may be that you have been approached by your Incumbent or a member of the ministry team to think and pray about this, or it may be you have been nudged to think and pray about this in another way. Locally authorised ministry is based on a collaborative model of ministry and is therefore based on a community discernement as well as an individual sense of calling. If you have not yet spoken with your Incumbent, or someone in the Ministry Team, but think that this might be for you, then do get in touch with them and arrange to explpre with them what God might be saying to you.

Participants on Growing Gifts will be people who are identified as having a gift for leading worship or preaching that can be celebrated, nurtured and encouraged. You will be people who loves God and has a sense of calling to share in this ministry. You will be someone who love others and are fruitful in how they live out their faith. You will be someone who is seen to be wise, open to new learning and has the potential to adapt and work with others.

How does it work?

Growing Gifts Groups will meet in venues across the Diocese. We can’t tell you where yet, or which evening of the week, because we want to respond to where people are and when they are available. Each session will be participative but no-one will be ‘put on the spot’. To help participants get the most out of each session you will be invited to complete some ‘linkwork’ between each of the sessions. The ‘linkwork’ may be a few simple questions to think about, a short podcast to listen to or some basic preparation work for the next session. Each ‘linkwork’ is intended to take no longer than 20-30 minutes.

When is it happening?

June - Nov 2024

Jan - June 2025

Sept 2025 - Nov 2026

The programme will run on a weekday evening, with an introductory session on a Saturday morning, and a full day gathering on a Saturday at the end. We aim to run three groups at a time, in three locations across the Diocese, each on a different evening of the week. Groups will join together for Safeguarding training in late July at John Cadbury House and then for the final Saturday, which will include time for prayer and reflection.

Illustrative Timetable

Please note that dates, times, and venues are for illustration only.

Sat 11 January - Introductions and Setting the Scene

Wed 15 January - The Anglican Way: Scripture, Prayer, Theology and Discipleship

Wed 29 January - Getting Prepared: Planning Worship or Preparing a ‘sermon’

Wed 13 February - Elements of Worship or Elements of preaching

Wed 26 February - The art/science of leading well or preaching well

Thurs 6 March - Safeguarding and Safe Practice in Ministry

PAUSE and time to ‘have a go’

Wed 7 May - Tools for Reflection

Wed 4 June - Worship or Preaching in particular contexts/communities

Sat 12 July - Quiet morning, Sustaining and Growing

All sessions will take place in the evening, 7.30pm - 9.00pm at St Martha’s, ABC Heath except Sessions 1 & 6 which will take place at John Cadbury House, Birmingham City Centre, and Sessions 9 &10, which will take place in a venue more suitable for retreat time.

What happens at the end?

During the final month of Growing Gifts participants work alongside Incumbents to finalise a Role Description, which must be agreed and approved by the PCC. At this point a date is identified for authorisation to be marked locally during worship. The final sessions of Growing Gifts include retreat time to support participants in preparing for this new stage in discipleship and ministry.

Want to explore further?

Do talk to your Incumbent, or someone in the Ministry Team. If you have a specific question or enquiry please contact Catherine Grylls, Ministry Development Lead (Lay): Click here to email

‘Worship is for the whole people of God, who are fellow pilgrims on the journey of faith … Indeed, worship itself is a pilgrimage, - a journey into the heart of God… Worship can take wing and become the living sacrifice of ourselves to the God whose majesty is beyond compare and whose truth is from everlasting’ (Preface to Common Worship: Main Volume)

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