Diocesan Board of Education

Every Diocese must legally have a Diocesan Board of Education.  The Birmingham Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) delegates these duties to a sub-committee called the Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education (DBE).  The Board's members must be partially drawn from the CofEB Diocesan Synod members.

The DBE Measure 21 is the legal documentation that stipulates the responsibilities of the Board of Education and the due regard that schools must have to the decisions it makes.  Each Diocesan Board appoints a Director of Education and other officers that it deems necessary to carry out the functions of the Board.

The Board's main purpose is to

  • promote or assist in the promotion of education in the diocese that is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England;
  • promote or assist in the promotion of religious education and religious worship in schools in the diocese;
  • promote or assist in the promotion of Church schools in the diocese;
  • promote co-operation between itself and other persons concerned with education in the diocese.

The Board meets half-termly and has 3 sub-committees to support its work:

  • Standards Committee
  • CREED (Collective Worship, RE & Ethos Development) Committee
  • Governance Committee

The Board develops a three year action plan to improve its work, and will often convene 'task and finish' groups to develop specific pieces of work or review in depth a particular part of its work.  One of the key functions of the Board is to appoint Foundation Governors to ensure that Church schools act in a way which is true to their Foundation Trust Deeds. 

Here is some information about the current Church of England Birmingham Board of Education, its make-up and membership, terms of reference, sub-committees and other background.

Church Schools of the Future Review 2012

A Diocesan Board of Education for the Future (2013)

Diocesan Board of Education Measure 2021


Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) Membership for Triennium 2022-24

Birmingham DBE's Business Plan for Triennium 2022-24



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