Church of England Birmingham ..... Praying Together - June 2024

Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.

We also have a print out version, click here.










Saturday 1 June

Justin, Martyr at Rome, c.165
Dear God, may we prayerfully consider all those called to serve as members of Diocesan Synod and the in progress new member elections. We give thanks for the service of our members and ask you continue to encourage and inspire them. We offer to you the nominations we are considering this month and those who have offered themselves to also serve in this way.


Sunday 2 June

The Parish of St Matthew with St Chad, invites us to pray,

Thank you Lord, for all the signs you send to assure us that your Kingdom is Coming.

Monday 3 June

The Martyrs of Uganda, 1885-7 and 1977

#prayyourpart - The bishops of the Church of England have issued a call to put prayer and participation at the heart of the General Election campaign as the UK prepares to go to the polls

Father, as the nation looks to the General Election, please encourage and inspire us to engage in this important voting, and to approach all we encounter with respect and kindness, especially in the heat of debate. Bless all those working in government through this time.


Tuesday 4 June

Petroc, Abbot of Padstow, 6th century

The Parish of St Matthew with St Chad, invites us to pray,

Lord, we thank you that you call us to serve your world in many and various ways. Help us to fulfil your calling by loving and serving all those who turn to your Church, and all who the Church reaches out to in this Parish.

Wednesday 5 June

Boniface (Wynfrith) of Crediton, Bishop, Apostle of Germany, Martyr, 754

Today is World Environment Day.  John Nightingale and Patrick Gerard, invite us to pray, with a prayer by Rt Revd Graham Usher Bishop of Norwich and Lead Bishop on the Environment

God of life,
we praise you for the beauty of creation,
its richness and variety;
yet, through greed and ignorance,
we scar your world with plastic waste
and throw so much away.
Make us more like Jesus,
treading gently on our common home,
and breathe your Spirit on us,
that we may care more deeply for your Earth.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thursday 6 June

Ini Kopuria, Founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood, 1945

Mark Pryce, invites us to pray,

Today we pray for Bishop Michael and for the clergy, Readers, licensed ministers and eco-champions who are gathering at the cathedral and online for a Bishop’s Study Morning focussing on Ecological Theology. We pray for the speaker, The Revd Dr Tim Howles, and for the work of the Laudato Si Institute in Oxford University.

Friday 7 June

Catherine Grylls, invites us to pray,

Lord, we give thanks for those who gathered for the first time to participate on the Growing Gifts programme Gracious and Holy God send down upon your Church the riches of your Spirit. Lead us in your Light and guide us by your Grace. Open our hearts to your Wisdom and nourish us with your Goodness. May our words and lives proclaim you Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Saturday 8 June

Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Nonjuror, Hymn Writer, 1711

Today is World Oceans Day. Olwyn Powell, invites us to pray,

Lord, we give thanks for the joy of holidays to come, near oceans, seas and rivers. We pray also for initiatives to solve problems of pollution, over-fishing, destruction of habitats and the creatures they shelter.

Sunday 9 June

David Harrison, Commissioned Pastoral Team (CPT), invites us to pray,

Dear Lord, yesterday we gathered for our annual Away day together and were filled with your Holy Spirit. We ask that you continue to inspire us, refresh us and encourage us as we learn from each other and commit anew to our shared service in the name of Jesus Christ.

Monday 10 June

Thsi week is the Great Big Green Week.  Catherine Grylls, invites us to pray,

Heavenly Father, we pray for the events in our communities during Big Green Week, 8-16 June, and for all those who we will welcome into our church grounds during that time.


Tuesday 11 June

Barnabas the Apostle

This week is Carer's Week,

Dear God, thank you for trusting us with the precious role of caring for another. Infuse us with your strength when our energy is sapped; comfort us when we are lonely and fearful. Remind us that you are the great protector and that you are holding us and all those we care for, safely in your hands.

Wednesday 12 June

Jon Turner, invites us to pray,

Dear Father, We thank you for the CCX Church Multiplication Conference that is taking place at St Martin’s in the Bullring today. We ask that you would inform and inspire every speaker and allow them to communicate your word effectively. We pray for those who are helping support the event on the day and ask that the logistics work well. Finally, we pray for everyone in attendance – that they might come away feeling both encouraged and motivated to start new things, in new places, in new ways.

Thursday 13 June

The Revd Louise Beasley, Assistant Curate in Lickey and Blackwell, invites us to pray,

Loving God, we pray for your continued presence during our monthly 'Walks with Curate Louise'. May our time of fellowship as we walk around the beautiful Lickey Hills bring us closer in our relationship with each other and with you.

Friday 14 June

Richard Baxter, Puritan Divine, 1691

Prayer today is inspired by the 30th anniversary of the ordination of women to the priesthood,

Lord of all life, you never cease from calling people to turn and follow you, and you empower us with your Spirit to serve. As we celebrate 30 years of ordaining women to the priesthood, continue to embolden the church with the gifts of all your people and strengthen women in their ministry to bring the Good News of your love to the world.

Saturday 15 June

Mark Pryce, invites us to pray for the King's birthday,

Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness,
we humbly pray that you would look upon your servant, King Charles III.
Endue him with your Holy Spirit;
enrich him with your heavenly grace;
prosper him with all happiness;
and bring him to your everlasting kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Sunday 16 June

Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253

Today is Father's Day,

Loving God,
Thank you for dads and children and for all the joy of family life.
Be with those who are grieving because they have no father;
Be close to those who are struggling because they have no children;
Be near to those who are sad because they are far apart from those they love.
Let your love be present in every home.

Monday 17 June

Samuel and Henrietta Barnett, Social Reformers, 1913 and 1936

This week is Learning Disability Week. Sarah Smith invites us to pray,

Lord God, our divine creator,
You have crafted each child and young person, uniquely, with their own gifts, talents, and potential beyond measure. We come before You today, lifting up the children in our schools who face learning difficulties. Just as You have declared in Your word, "We are fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), we acknowledge the sacredness of every child's journey. Grant them, O Lord, Your strength and courage to face each challenge with resilience and determination. May they find solace in knowing that they are not alone, for Your steadfast love surrounds them always.

Bless the teachers and caregivers entrusted with nurturing our children. Grant them patience, understanding, and creativity to tailor their methods to meet the diverse needs of each individual. May they see beyond limitations and celebrate the unique brilliance within each one.

Guide us, O God, to create environments of inclusivity and acceptance where every child feels valued and supported. Help us break down barriers and foster a community where differences are celebrated as opportunities for growth and understanding. May Your light shine brightly upon these children, illuminating their path with hope and possibility. May they discover their worth and potential, knowing that they are fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image.
In Your holy name, we pray,

Tuesday 18 June

Bernard Mizeki, Apostle of the MaShona, Martyr, 1896

Gas Street Longbridge invites us to pray,

Dear Lord, we thank you for a successful launch and all the work to date that has seen the existing congregation and new team from Gas Street, join together to serve the people of Longbridge.

Wednesday 19 June

Sundar Singh of India, Sadhu (holy man), Evangelist, Teacher of the Faith, 1929

Heavenly Father, we pray for the flourishing of our CofEB community — spiritually, socially, and economically. May we work together to create a place where all are valued, where justice and righteousness prevail, and where the needs of the most vulnerable are met.

Thursday 20 June

Prayer today is inspired by World Refugee Day,

Almighty and merciful God,
whose Son became a refugee and had no place to call his own;
look with mercy on those who today are fleeing from danger, homeless and hungry.
Bless those who work to bring them relief;
inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts;
and guide the nations of the world towards that day when all will rejoice in your Kingdom of justice and of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Friday 21 June

Olwyn Powell, invites us to pray,

As this month of the school term brings us towards the end of the school year, we pray for our teachers at Water Orton Primary School and Park Hall Academy as they ensure the safety of pupils surrounding the work associated with HS2.

Saturday 22 June

Alban, first Martyr of Britain, c.250

Prayer today is inspired by Windrush Day, Dele Sotonwa invites us to pray,

Dear Lord, as we commemorate Windrush today, in honour and celebration of our brothers and sisters whom you created for your own pleasure, and brought to this nation to fulfil your plans and your purpose. We are thankful for their lives, their wisdom, gifts and skills and all the contributions they made towards the growth and prosperity of our society to become a diverse and blessed nation. Lord, we are sorry for the failure to respect and treat them with dignity and love that every creation deserves and as you commanded us.

We pray that you heal the pains, hurt and the harsh impact of injustices which they may have experienced. We ask for the wisdom and courage to constantly challenge and correct the unfair structures and systems that enable the diminishing of your creation.

And we pray that you help us Lord, to learn look beyond ourselves and our interest only. Give us the grace to be gracious, kind and generous to everyone particularly those who are different from us. And to constantly remember that we have all been created in your image, to dwell in love and unity so that your glory can be revealed in all the earth.

We ask for your blessings on all creation this day and let our nation continue to be a place of welcome, peace and tolerance where people of diverse race and background can always find fulfilment and rest. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sunday 23 June

Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely, c.678

Lord, we give thanks to all farming communities across the world
Guide them and bless them, O God of Abundance.
We pray for favourable weather,
abundant crops,
communities of support,
fair economic practices,
and strength and perseverance.

Monday 24 June

The Birth of John the Baptist
Heavenly Father,
We ask for your divine protection over our city of Birmingham and surrounding areas. Watch over us, our families, and our neighbours, keeping us safe from harm’s way. Strengthen the hands of those who work tirelessly to safeguard our streets – the brave men and women of our police and fire departments, the selfless healthcare workers, and all the dedicated individuals who serve our city with unwavering dedication. Let your presence be a shield of safety and comfort for us all, and we will be ever grateful.


Tuesday 25 June

The Project Management Team (PMO) invites us to pray,

Dear Lord, we lift up to you the next stage of the Building Surveyors project and pray together that funds are forthcoming allowing us through Andy and John’s work, to continue to support parishes helping them with their building maintenance.

Wednesday 26 June

The Project Management Team (PMO) invites us to pray, for the Children and Families Mission Enabler for the Deanery of Warley & Edgbaston,

We join with Warley & Edgbaston Black Country Youth Group and pray that more young people will come to join in this experience of worship and that volunteers are called to support this group.

Thursday 27 June

Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, Teacher of the Faith, 444

Prayer today is from Canon Claire Laland, Malawi Task Group, 

Today we pray for all Mothers’ Union members in Malawi. We give thanks for their dedication and skills in the many projects they undertake in their local communities. We especially remember and pray for their work with children, feeding those from needy families and taking care of those whose parents have died. We ask this in Jesus’ name.


Friday 28 June

Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons, Teacher of the Faith, c.200

June is Pride month,

Revds Barrie Scott and Siobhan Bridge, Chaplaincy Convenors, invite us to pray,

Almighty Father, on this Feast of St Irenaeus, who teaches us that “the joy of God is each individual fully alive”, and on which day we also remember the Stonewall Riots of 1969, we pray for all those who are prevented from being fully themselves, either through prejudice or oppression. We continue to pray for the full inclusion of all God’s children in His Church and Kingdom, especially our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters. We give thanks for the continuing ministry of our Diocesan LGBT+ Chaplaincy Support Team, and pray for them in our shared calling to love one another as you have loved us.

Saturday 29 June

Peter and Paul, Apostles

Catherine Grylls, invites us to pray,

We pray and give thanks for the participants of the Commissioned Children's Pathway, as they come together to enjoy a weekend of learning and community in Derbyshire. Lord we call on you to grant great conversation, inspiring teaching and space to encourage as support each other.

Sunday 30 June

Gracious God,
You call us to love and to serve,
not only with words, but also in presence and actions.
We give thanks for your chaplains,
guide and protect them and magnify your grace through them.
Through them give hope during joy and sorrow and provide your chaplains with words of comfort and truth.
May they effuse the peace that comes only from you.


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