Things We Can Do About Climate Change


10 Things You Can Do About Climate Change

Here are just some suggestions. If you have more, please contact the Bishop’s Adviser for the Environment, the Revd Patrick Gerard.

  1. Power your home with green energy
  2. Cycle, bus, train - or electric car?!
  3. Go vegan
  4. Divest your money from fossil fuels
  5. Get swishing (swapping clothes with friends or strangers)
  6. Find a local Transition Town group
  7. Keep politicians accountable
  8. Ditch plastic bags
  9. Eco Church
  10. Buy local, seasonal food

Further information can be found here and click on the text highlighted in yellow.



The national investing bodies of the Church of England have decided to divest from fossil fuels: 

 Church Commissioners and Church of England Pensions Board announce fossil fuel disinvestment | The Church of England  

So have many dioceses and parishes: Divest your church with our step-by-step guide and interactive map ( 

For individuals one source of information is provided by Ethical Consumer:Fossil Fuel Free Investment Funds | Ethical Consumer 



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