Children, families, youth, and young adults work - Events

Events to complement your mission amongst the under-18's

We have created a series of events you can schedule throughout the church’s year to deepen faith and encourage belonging in your church community.

Why not create a plan for your church’s year using some of these events and then supplement it with your church rhythms, such as annual fairs, seasonal services, and life event celebrations or remembrances?

Emma would love to talk through any of these events with you. 

Join Us for the Flex Conference – Saturday, 28th June!

Are you passionate about working with children and young people? The Flex Conference is designed to support, equip, and resource you in your ministry. This year, our theme is Discipleship—both our own and that of the children and young people we serve.

What to Expect:
  • Inspiring Seminars led by expert speakers
  • A Marketplace of Resources to fuel your ministry
  • Opportunities to Connect with others across the diocese
  • Lunch Included—so you can focus on learning and growing
  • Bishop Michael will join us in the afternoon to encourage us and close the event with prayer
Incredible Seminar Speakers & Topics:
  • The Feast – Youth & children’s work in a multi-faith world
  • Taste Life – Supporting young people with eating disorders
  • Guy Donegan-Cross – Holy Habits: Living discipleship daily
  • Rachel Retallick-Cheel – Emotional well-being in young people & children
  • Peter English – Supporting children & young people through loss
  • Adam Larkin – Fundraising for your ministry
  • And more to come….

£10 per person for the first 5 leaders from your parish or oversight area
Just £5 per person for any additional leaders

Sign up here and join us for a day of inspiration, learning, and encouragement!


Outside church - Intergenerational

Whether you are thinking about setting up your outside church expression, for example, a Muddy Church Trail or a Forest Church community, we have a network of people who have started their own and would love to share their journey with you. We also have a wide range of materials that have been tried and tested across the CofEB. If you want to get your hands on these resources, click here, and for more information, please email Emma. 

Confirmation material:

We can also provide you with some Confirmation material; Bristol Diocese has created a resource to use with young people as they prepare for confirmation. Through ten interactive and engaging sessions, ‘Live Life’ aims to create safe spaces for young people to discuss, question, and deepen their understanding of God. Each session follows a familiar and flexible structure with practical guidance for enthusiastic volunteers, experienced youth workers, and church leaders. Click here to get your copy of the material. 

Taizé: For young people and young adults

Over the past few years, Bishop Anne led a pilgrimage to Taizé in the summer holidays. Taizé is a place where young people from all over the world come together to pray, worship, study the Bible and live in a community with each other. It is often a life-changing experience for the young adults and young people who go to join thousands of people their age from across the world in three daily services: food, bible study, and community jobs that all build towards a greater understanding of each other and the God we all worship. We welcome anyone under the age of 30 to join us. Youth groups are particularly welcome as if you are under 18 you must come with an adult who will take full responsibility for you.

There are no plans for further Pilgrimages in the netx year, but if you are interested in coming or bringing a group of young peopel ages 16-25 year oles then contact Emma.

You can also find out more about Taizé and what goes on during the summer months on the Taizé website.

Review of your children's and families’ provision

Would you like help thinking through your provision for children and families in your parish or oversight area? Emma has a host of experiences and can help you think through your provision in this area - to review it, consult on it, and dream big dreams. Drop Emma an email, or pick up the phone: 077841160538.

Review of your youth provision

Would you like some help thinking through your provision for young people in your parish or oversight area? Emma has been a youth worker for over 25 years, so she has many experiences and ideas to help you reflect on your existing youth work or think about how you could create something new to support and encourage the young people in your community. Drop Emma an email, or pick up the phone: 077841160538

Being intentionally intergenerational

There is no better time to think about how we are intentionally intergenerational. It might feel like a buzzword, but it is about empowering all generations to serve, worship, and participate in church community life together, all with equal input and responsibilities. We are all on this journey and would love to explore with you how you take steps to become a genuinely intergenerational community with Jesus at the centre. If you would like to talk further about intergenerational ministry, Drop Emma an email, or pick up the phone: 077841160538

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