Eco Church

The Eco Church scheme is an excellent way of involving your church community in caring for God's creation, with lots of free resources. It also complements our work towards the Church of England's net zero carbon target. 

Through the free online survey, churches can earn points based on how you care for God's earth. The Eco Church survey consists of five sections:

  • Worship and Teaching
  • Buildings
  • Land
  • Lifestyle
  • Community and Global Engagement

Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards are given depending on the number of points gained in each section. Over 75% of CofE Birmingham churches have registered with Eco Church and roughly 40% have received Awards.

A list of the CofE Birmingham churches that have already received Eco Church awards can be found here.

CofE Birmingham became the third diocese across the country to be awarded a Bronze Eco Diocese Award in 2019. We are now applying for the Silver Eco Diocese Award. 

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