making life simpler for
Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators
The Dashboard reassures PCCs they have all the necessary safeguarding arrangements in place
The Hub helps the PCC record safeguarding training and DBS checks for volunteers
Are you a new Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator?
Email your contact details and church to the Safeguarding Team at to receive your:
- induction presentation
- access to your Dashboard & Hub
- details of safeguarding training you will need to complete
- regular safeguarding updates
Where can you find information about parish safeguarding?
Parish Safeguarding Dashboard website - watch the ‘Discover the Benefits’ video on the ‘Support for Parishes’ page of the website for more information about your Dashboard
Parish Safeguarding Hub website - watch the tutorial videos to discover how to use your Hub
Church of England Safeguarding E-Manual - national Church safeguarding policy and guidance
Parish Safeguarding Handbook (2017) - This is a helpful handbook to download and read, however some sections have been replaced by subsequent legislation, particularly training and safer recruitment. The most up to date requirements are always on your Dashboard & Hub.
Church of England Safeguarding Standards - what good practice in the parish looks like for five areas of safeguarding
Church of England – Birmingham Resource Hub – includes safeguarding fact sheets, example forms and policies, safer practice leaflets and role outlines for a parish safeguarding co-ordinator and identity verifier
Church of England Safeguarding Forms & Templates