The Church of England requires everyone who has a role as a volunteer, worker or office holder to attend safeguarding training every three years. You can read The Church of England's safeguarding learning and development framework here
For assistance with safeguarding learning, email the safeguarding team at
Safeguarding Training for Parish Roles
Where an individual has been asked by their church to regularly undertake responsibilities or ‘tasks’ on their behalf they must complete safeguarding training within six months of starting their role. If the individual is an employee, they must complete safeguarding training as part of their induction as soon as possible.
The Church of England’s safeguarding modules are:
Basic Awareness
Complete online at
Who is this for? Everyone who undertakes responsibilities or ‘tasks’ for their church
How often is this renewed? Every three years. However, if you also need to complete one or more of the modules listed below, complete Basic Awareness once only and renew your training by completing either Foundations or Leadership every three years instead of the Basic Awareness module.
Complete online at
Who is this for? Everyone who works with children, young people, vulnerable adults & families with children; Commissioned Pastoral Team Members; Local Worship Leaders and Local Preachers; PCC members; Church Wardens; Parish Identity Verifiers; Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators; PCC Safeguarding Leads; Domestic Violence Contacts; Commissioned Pastoral Team Co-ordinators.
How often is this renewed? Every three years. However, if you also need to complete the Leadership module, complete this module once only and renew Leadership every three years instead of the Basic Awareness or Foundations modules.
Complete in-person either face to face or via Zoom
Book here
Download Workbook here
Download Presentation here
Who is this for? Church Wardens in a parish in vacancy; Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators; PCC Safeguarding Leads; Domestic Violence Contacts; Commissioned Pastoral Team Co-ordinators.
How often is this renewed? Every three years.
Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Complete online at
Who is this for? Everyone who works with children, young people, vulnerable adults & families with children; Commissioned Pastoral Team Members; Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators; PCC Safeguarding Leads; Domestic Violence Contacts; Commissioned Pastoral Team Co-ordinators.
How often is this renewed? Every three years.
Safer Recruitment & People Management
Complete online at
Who is this for? Parish Identity Verifiers; Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators; anyone who has responsibility for recruiting volunteers or employees
How often is this renewed? Every three years.
Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction
Complete in-person either face to face or via Zoom
Book here
Who is this for? Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators appointed after 1st January 2022;
How often is this renewed? Completed once only.
Safeguarding Training for Clergy, Readers, Licensed Roles
Clergy and lay ministers are required to complete all of the Church of England’s core safeguarding modules – Basic Awareness, Foundations and Leadership training – once. Thereafter, Leadership is renewed every three years. Where Permission to Officiate has been granted the cleric or lay minister completes the PTO Pathway every three years instead of Leadership.
Complete in-person either face to face or via Zoom
Book here
Download Workbook here
Download Presentation here
How often is this renewed? Every three years.
PTO Pathway
Complete in-person either face to face or via Zoom
Book here
Download Workbook here
Download Presentation here
How often is this renewed? Every three years.
In addition to the above modules all clergy and lay ministers must complete:
Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Complete online at
How often is this renewed? Every three years
Some ministers may also need to complete:
Safer Recruitment & People Management
Complete online at
Who is this for? Ministers with responsibility for recruitment – e.g. Bishop, Cathedral Dean, Archdeacon, Area Dean, Warden of Readers, Director of Ordinands, Incumbent/Priest-in-charge, Rector, Team Rector, Team Vicar, Bishop’s Chaplain
How often is this renewed? Every three years.
Optional Safeguarding Courses
Modern Slavery
Two e-learning modules for anyone who wants a basic understanding of the issues of modern slavery and for leaders and helpers of social action projects
Complete the Introduction to Modern Slavery and Safeguarding & Social Action Modules here
The Prevent Duty and Radicalisation
An e-learning module from HM Government for anyone who wants to understand more about the Prevent Duty and how to safeguard vulnerable people from becoming radicalised to support terrorism or become a terrorist themselves.
Complete the Introduction to the Prevent Duty and Radicalisation module here
County Lines and Child Exploitation
A podcast from the Children's Society to raise aware of County Lines is available here
Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
The Whole School SEND website hosts the Universal SEND Services programme, which offers organisations free online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units. Although many of these units are aimed at schools, units 1-3 (creating a socially, physically and emotionally safe environment for learners with SEND) would be useful to those working with SEND children in any environment. These units are designed to support providers in delivering an inclusive experience for children and young people with SEND.