Oversight Area Formation Day

5th September 2024


In early December a group of around 15 people including representatives from each of our parishes (Lapworth, Baddesley Clinton and Packwood) came together at the Diocesan Office in Birmingham to think about how we were going to proceed as an ‘oversight area’.  We were joined by James Woodward from Sarem College a skilled facilitator as well as two hosts from The Diocese of Birmingham, Archdeacon Jenny Tomlinson and Director of Ministry, Mark Pryce.  We were also fortunate enough to have Father Patrick Gerard, Rector of St Mary’s Lapworth and St Michael’s Baddesley Clinton with us who has been appointed Oversight Minister for our oversight area.


No-one knew quite what to expect, but we all approached the day with enthusiasm and anticipation.  The key objectives of the day were to deepen our relationships across the three parishes, to get a better understanding of what was important to us and how we might want to work together in the future. 


Ground rules were set as to how the day would run and flip charts and pens were at the ready!  We started by saying prayers together and joined in with some psalms and readings which were helpful in inspiring and guiding us throughout the day.


We divided into our parish groups and following some lively discussions, each parish table had an opportunity to share with the rest of the group a thumbnail sketch of what they believed their own parish was noted for by describing an object and a piece of scripture that might say something about their church and its people.  What quickly became clear, was that we were all very different.  One of the key things that came out during the day was the fact that we were all keen to retain our individual identities as three separate parishes, but to use the breadth of skills and talents to our mutual benefit wherever possible.


Some of the big questions that arose during the day for us to think more about were: -


  1. How are we going to approach working together as three parishes?
  2. How would we resource the needs of the Oversight Area and where might those resources come from?
  3. What would our next steps in this process look like?
  4. How will we communicate the output from this formation Day back into our parishes?


Overall, there was a high level of participation with everyone taking the opportunity to express their views, concerns and ideas. The day was valued by all who attended, and it certainly kick started the process of working together as one team. 


This of course, is only the beginning and there is much work to do. It will be starting with a joint PCC meeting at the end of January 2024. Watch this space ………


Val Davies

PCC Member

St Giles Packwood

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