The turn of the year did not produce any New Year's Resolutions in my hearing. Perhaps the humbling uncertainties of pandemic quashed the usual optimistic assertions. Who keeps them for more than the first week or month anyway?
Then, listening to a Sunday sermon of early 2022, I did hear a call to action. In a wider theme of 'Battle of the Mind' we are enouarged to be intentional about our relationship with God through Lord Jesus Christ. In the midst of competing ideas for our lives, a daily pattern of Thanks, Truth and Trust was offered as a way of strengthening our living faith. (Revd Tim Hughes 9th January)
Here I shall mention just the first of these, Thanks. Whatever our circumstances or condition, suffering or joy, emptiness or confusion, Christians can pray, making a habit of starting by giving thanks. "I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds" (Psalm 9:1), "give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thess 5:18).
This simple beginning can re-set our perspective in the midst of daily burdens and distractions reconnecting us with the priority of God's purposes.
Then we may, in the words of the Corrymeela Community, commit ourselves to "live life in its fullness, welcome the people who will be part of the day, greet God in ordinary and hidden moments and live the life we are living" (Daily Prayer, Padraig O' Tuama, Canterbury 2017).
Not a fly-by-night resolution but a year-long resolve to grow in faith, hope and love, giving thanks through Jesus Christ.