Parish Safeguarding Dashboard & Safeguarding Hub

Making life simpler for Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators & PCCs


Safeguarding Dashboard

The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard is a simple to use, online tool, that helps you keep track of safeguarding in your church and keeps you up to date with local and national changes in safeguarding requirements. 

If you haven't already signed up to use the Dashboard, email and we will send you an invitation.  The Dashboard has its own website with more information on how to get started, FAQs and tutorials - 

Every PCC is required to use the Dashboard to monitor their safeguarding arrangements.

The following templates are used on the Dashboard.

Policies and Action Plan:
Safeguarding Roles:
Displayed Information:
Church Activities:


Safeguarding Hub

The Safeguarding Hub is a suite of tools to support churches to keep track of their training and DBS records for all volunteers and workers and the safer recruitment process for new appointments. It includes templates to use for the safer recruitment process and records DBS and training certificate and renewal dates.

The Safeguarding Hub has it's own website with more information, tutorials and FAQs -

Email for an invitation to use your Parish Safeguarding Hub

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