Spirituality and Spiritual Direction

Prayer is at the heart of Jesus' relationship with His Father and is at the heart of the life of his disciples, expressed in public worship and through personal prayer, as individuals and in smaller groups.  

Christian disciples are encouraged to grow and deepen their life of prayer, often in conversation with ministers and others who are experienced in prayer. This can take a more intentional form, often called ‘spiritual direction’. Spiritual direction is the general term for the ministry of those supporting others in their relationship with God. 

Everyone is encouraged to make use of this ministry, but licensed ministers are especially recommended to find a spiritual director or spiritual companion. The Bishop’s Adviser for Spirituality, The Revd Hazel White, holds a list of ecumenical directors, lay and ordained, for the Church of England Birmingham and can help and offer advice in finding one. Contact: spiritualadvice@cofebirmingham.com


Training and Supervision for Spiritual Directors  

There is an ecumenical Forum for Spiritual Directors and Companions which offers professional development and supervision. For more details about the Forum, contact the Forum Chair, Canon John Austen, via the page linked above.



Christians and others wanting to deepen their life with God often find Quiet Days and Retreats helpful, as a way of nourishing spiritual life.  

The National Retreat Association has helpful information about spiritual direction and retreats, including places in easy reach of Birmingham. 

Manresa Link offers a form of retreat in daily life, with trained prayer guides in the Ignatian tradition.    



If you have a concern related to a safeguarding matter, please contact the Safeguarding team.  


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