The Consecration of Bishop Michael, Bishop of Birmingham, with pictures

Large groups of CofEB lay people and clergy, close family and many friends and colleagues, past and present, attended Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday, for the consecration of The Rt. Revd Dr Michael Volland, 10th Bishop of Birmingham, on the Feast of St Andrew's, 30 November 2023.

It was a bright, brisk morning as Canterbury Cathedral's staff and volunteers greeted and seated congregation and service participants numbering nearly 2000. They were then welcomed by the Dean of Canterbury, The Very Reverend Dr David Monteith, ahead of the opening procession, with a jovial 'especially warm and biased welcome to Birmingham', as Dean David explained he served his curacy in  Kings Heath, Birmingham.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, presided and led the worship and ordination of the two candidates. The service included the ordination of the Rt. Revd Neil Warwick as Bishop of Swindon, suffragan bishop in the Diocese of Bristol.

Bishop Anne, along with the Cathedral Chapter, Dean Matt and Archdeacon Jenny had prominent roles in the service, Bishop Anne, participating as well, as one of the consecrating bishops laying their hands in prayer on the heads of the ordinands in turn, during the high point of the consecration service. Steven Skakel, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance, read the New Testament reading, Romans 10.12-18, with the Chair of the House of Laity for the Diocese of Bristol reading from the Old Testament, Isaiah 52 7-10. The Revd Dr. Olga Fabrikant-Burke, Tutor in Old Testament, Ridley Hall, gave the sermon.

Prior to the Liturgy of Communion, the new bishops are presented with a bible, bishops rings and their pectoral crosses. Bishop Michael’s new ring and cross are the creations of jeweller Ed Pitt. The ring incorporates a piece of Iona marble as a central stone and engraved round the edges of the Cross are the bible verses,
Nehemiah 8:10 and John 10:14-15.  Bishop Michael’s pastoral crosier is inscribed with Jesus' words found in Luke 22:27, 'I am among you as one who serves', as a reminder that the foundation and pattern of episcopal ministry is the example of Christ himself. The unusual and stunning blue parts of the crook are blue resin, representing the new bishop’s training as an artist and his love of surfing, with Bishop Michael stating, ‘Both are creative acts that originate in God the creator’.

Below is a 3 minute slideshow featuring images from the service,



4th December 2023
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