Join in with our prayers below and click on links to see video or audio that has been sent from all people across CofE Birmingham.
We also have a printable version to download here.
Saturday 1 February
Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c.525
World Interfaith Harmony Week - 01-7 February,
Loving God, grant us the wisdom to embrace interfaith harmony, fostering goodwill and love among all. May our places of worship unite us in compassion, transcending differences, for the prosperity of humanity.
Sunday 2 February
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
Almighty Father, whose Son Jesus Christ was presented in the Temple and acclaimed the light of the nations:
grant that in him we may be presented to you and in the world may reflect his glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever.
(This prayer comes from A Church Near You editors' resources)
Monday 3 February
Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary in Denmark and Sweden, 865
Children's Mental Health Week - 3-9 February,
Dear Creator, as Children’s Mental Health Week begins, we ask for your guidance and strength. Empower our children and young people to embrace their feelings, nurture self-awareness, and know that they are not alone in their journeys. Surround them with loving adults who listen and support their exploration of emotions. May we foster a compassionate community where every child feels valued, understood, and capable of thriving.
Tuesday 4 February
Gilbert of Sempringham, Founder of the Gilbertine Order, 1189
Dear God, grant comfort and support to those burdened by financial worry.
Provide them strength, hope, and resources to meet their needs,
and surround them with love and community.
Wednesday 5 February
Thank you Heavenly Father, for the blessings in my life.
I am grateful for your love, grace, and the people who surround me.
Thursday 6 February
The Martyrs of Japan, 1597
John Nightingale, FootSteps, invites us to pray,
Let us give thanks for the many volunteer Parish Environmental Contacts in the diocese; for the 60% of parishes which are registered with Eco Church, the 23% of parishes which have a bronze award, the 11% with a silver award and the single parish with a gold award. We pray for parishes considering engaging with Eco Church. Lord, we pray that hard and skilful work may lead to better buildings and a more joyful faith.
Friday 7 February
Lucille Arlidge, St Matthew with St Chad, Smethwick, invites us to pray,
Dear Lord, as you know 2025 will be a time of change for our Parish. Pour down your Holy Spirit on all who will make a difference in our Parish, our Oversight Ministry Area and our Deanery. Guide and lead us as we discern your calling and follow your lead.
Saturday 8 February
LGBT+ History Month
Loving God, we take this opportunity to lament and reject all prejudice, hatred, oppression, and violence against LGBT+ people. We pray that LGBT+ people around the world would be able to live lives free from fear and find joy in your love. Let us commit to building communities in which everyone experiences the unconditional love of God in Christ Jesus.
Sunday 9 February
30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday
Prayer today is inspired by Isaiah 56:7
“... these I will bring to my holy
mountain and give them joy in
my house of prayer. Their burnt
offerings and sacrifices will be
accepted on my altar; for my
house will be called a house of
prayer for all nations.”
Monday 10 February
ca, sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola, c.543
Revd Dee, St Patrick’s Salter Street, invites us to pray,
Jesus said, “let the little children come to me“
Father we thank you for the gift of children and families in our church and schools. We pray for all family life and ask that you would pour your blessings in abundance on the children’s ministry in all of our churches. In the name of Jesus we pray.
Tuesday 11 February
Ruth Atkinson, St Michael & All Angels, Bartley Green, invites us to pray,
We give thanks for work completed on our new toilets in the church hall.
We pray for us now as we seek planning permission to extend our main door,
build a toilet for the disabled and a small kitchen area for the church.
Wednesday 12 February
Red Hand Day for Child Soldiers
O Lord of mercy and compassion, shine your light upon the shadows of conflict and injustice that plague our world. Embrace the children caught in the throes of violence and exploitation. Grant them freedom and healing, restoring their spirits and uniting them with their families and communities in love and hope. May your divine Grace inspire us all to act with justice, leading to a world where peace reigns and every child is cherished.
Thursday 13 February
The people of St Matthew with St Chad invite us to pray,
We give thanks for the work, witness and worship of our small committed congregation as they share God’s love in the world.
Friday 14 February
Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869 and 885
Valentine, Martyr at Rome, c.269
The Collect
God of wonder and of joy:
grace comes from you,
and you alone are the source of life and love.
Without you, we cannot please you;
without your love, our deeds are worth nothing.
Send your Holy Spirit,
and pour into our hearts
that most excellent gift of love,
that we may worship you now
with thankful hearts
and serve you always with willing minds;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Saturday 15 February
Sigfrid, Bishop, Apostle of Sweden, 1045
Thomas Bray, Priest, Founder of the SPCK and the SPG, 1730
Anesu Muyambi, Lozells and Newtown Benefice, invites us to pray,
Heavenly Father,
We come before you with hearts full of gratitude and hope, seeking your divine guidance and blessings. We humbly ask for your grace and wisdom to lead us as we strive to grow and strengthen our church community. Lord, fill our hearts with your love and compassion, so that we may be a beacon of light and hope to those around us. Bless our leaders with the gift of discernment.
Sunday 16 February
Canon Claire Laland invites us to pray for knitters,
We give thanks heavenly Father for all who knit for those in Malawi. We give thanks for the squares to be made into blankets, the complete blankets, hats and other garments. We know that many give up their leisure time to help others they most likely will never see, and pray that they will know how thankful the recipients are to receive these gifts. Amen
Monday 17 February
Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda, Martyr, 1977
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Dear God, thank you for all those who are sharing kindness in our communities, for their acts of generosity and love. Help me to be kind through my words, actions and attitude. Please show me if someone near needs me to be extra kind to them today.
Tuesday 18 February
Almighty God, we ask for hearts to love elderly neighbours in word and deed, and for improved health, safe living conditions, and supportive communities.
Wednesdays 19 February
Revd Dee, St Patrick’s Salter Street, invites us to pray,
Thank you Lord for prayers answered; for the growth of our congregation and the ministerial team. We pray for Revd Sian Nicholas our new Curate and our newly Commissioned Pastoral Care Team and all those that we are called to serve and care for.
We pray for our oversight area E10 - all of our churches, parishes and clergy. May your word Lord be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Thursday 20 February
World Day of Social Justice
Ever present God, you called us to be in relationship with one another and promised to dwell wherever two or three are gathered. In our community, we are many different people; we come from many different places, have many different cultures. Open our hearts that we may be bold in finding the riches of inclusion and the treasures of diversity among us. We pray in faith.
(Revd Martin Luther King Jr.)
Friday 21 February
John Nightingale, FootSteps, invites us to pray,
Let us pray for Bishop Michael as he begins to chair the Environment Board and in particular for the development of a Land Management Strategy, as is required if the diocese is to get a silver eco award. May the land, which comprises principally agricultural and grazing land, with some car parks and land in more urban areas, be protected and put to good use.
Saturday 22 February
Lord, thank you that your mercies are new every morning. We ask that our nation's government would love mercy and act justly. Please God, we ask that they would respect the value and dignity of all people and they have compassionate hearts towards our country’s greatest needs. Lord, hear our prayer.
Sunday 23 February
Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr, c.155
Lucille Arlidge, St Matthew with St Chad, Smethwick, invites us to pray,
Lord we give you thanks for all the blessings you have poured out onto us and all the ways you have guided us to help others in your name. Bless this year in accordance with your will.
Monday 24 February
Dear God, we thank you for the CofEB community united in worship. Bless those unable to join us in our churches, may they feel your love and presence in their hearts, reminding them they are never alone.
Tuesday 25 February
All-powerful God,
We pray for all who answer the call to help in disastrous circumstances – give them your strength Lord, and the resources they need to provide the help so badly needed.
Let your peace that surpasses all understanding keep all the Earth in Christ.
Wednesay 26 February
Anesu Muyambi, Lozells and Newtown Benefice, invites us to pray,
Everlasting God, the first week in Jan 2025 was a great challenge to my health. After going through a very difficult season in 2024 of losing loved ones. I was low in morale and quite stressed out. I could not help myself in any way shape or form. I was not prepared to seek help from the medical world. I went on to fast from 6am to 6pm. I prayed to God for his divine intervention. On the third day l started to feel the pain disappear. It was a great relief. Thank you God for answering my prayers.
Thursday 27 February
George Herbert, Priest, Poet, 1633
Lord, today we pray for the consecration of our Bishop Elect, Esther Prior. As we prepare to welcome her and her family, grant that in ministry amongst us, she may serve you dutifully and faithfully. Grant her wisdom and courage and replenish her with your Spirit and Word.
Friday 28 February
As we rejoice in the gift of this new day,
so may the light of your presence, O God,
set our hearts on fire with love for you;
now and for ever.
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