How We Can Help

Firstly, thank you for all the work you do as a PCC Treasurer. Most of what you do probably goes on behind the scenes but helps provide the foundation from which parishes can flourish and spread God’s love.

You are not alone

Being the treasurer, especially initially, can be a daunting calling with a significant amount of responsibility and a role that covers a wide breadth of finance. No treasurer is the same and no parish is the same, so it is not a case of one glove fits all approach. The Church of England Birmingham is here to offer support, whether it is just a little bit of assurance and encouragement or whether it is the opposite end of the spectrum with the Parish Bookkeeping Service.

Listed below are ways we can help you in your role, click on the links for more details. 


Finance Team

At the diocese we have a finance team with a wide breadth of knowledge and expertise in parish finance. Every member is just a phone call/email away and we are happy to answer any questions. No question is a silly question! Click here to visit our Finance Team page.



Throughout the year the Church of England Birmingham runs several seminars covering areas of parish finance specifically aimed at Treasurers. These also give you the opportunity to meet and chat with other treasurers.

To find out more click here. 


Bookeeping Service

Payroll Bureau

Stewardship & Generous Giving:

Parish Giving Scheme

Contactless Giving

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