The Church commits to safely recruiting and supporting all workers and volunteers who have any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults who attend Church activities. Procedures for appointing individuals to roles that have contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults and roles that have responsibility for this work are set out in the Church of England's Safer Recruitment & People Management Guidance.
Parish Identity Verifier
To use the online Disclosure & Barring Service application system, a church must appoint a Parish Identity Verifier who should:
- Complete the registration form here and email to
- Read Parish Identity Verifier Induction
- Complete Safer Recruitment & People Management training here
Safeguarding Hub
A parish should use their Safeguarding Hub:
- to record DBS & training records for volunteers and employees
- for 3 year renewal DBS & training reminders for volunteers and employees
- for role outlines - with DBS eligibility guidance
- to track the safer recruitment process for new volunteers and employees
- for safer recruitment forms and templates
Email for an invitation to use your Hub
Frequently Used Forms
Cofidential Self Declaration Form - complete every time a new or renewal DBS check is applied for
Parish Privacy Notice - for use with the Confidential Self-Declaration Form
How to Use the DBS Update Service - follow these procedures when a person has subscribed to the DSS Update Service and wants to use their existing DBS certificate to renew their DBS check
Other Forms and Information
Parish Safeguarding Hub - example role outlines and forms to recruit a new volunteer are on the Safeguarding Hub
31:8 Recruiters Hub - for Parish Identity Verifiers, how to verify identity and process DBS applications is available in their Recruiters Hub. Parish Identity Verifiers are given access to the Hub when they register with 31:8. Call 31:8 on 0303 003 1111, option 1 if you are a Parish Identity Verifier and have forgotten how to access your Recruiters Hub
Church of England - Birmingham Resource Hub - safer recruitment forms and information are in the safeguarding area of the Resource Hub
Church of England Safeguarding E-Manual - templates for safer recruitment are available in the Safer Recruitment & People Management guidance
Role outlines
Role 1 Childen's Group Volunteer
Role 5 Youth Club Mini Bus Driver
Role 6 Parent and Toddler Group Helper
Role 7 Driver for At Risk Adults
Role 11 Elders Lunch Club Helper
Role 15 Home Communion Assistant
Role 16 Messy Church Core Team Member