News & Stories

Past Cases Review 2

4th October 2022

Information on Past Cases Review 2, which is being carried out by every Diocese in the Church of England.

The Bishop's Comment: Compassion in the City

4th April 2022

As Christians this month approach the solemn days of Passion and Holy Week we will reflect on the example of loving service in Jesus Christ crowned with thorns on his Way, via the Cross of sacrifice, to putting on the crown of everlasting life.

Playing your part in the Commonwealth Games

14th February 2022

The Birmingham 2022 Games Churches Together Group  is  pleased to share ways that your church and community can join in with supporting and enjoying the Games taking place.

Commonwealth Games:  The Queen's Baton relay

13th January 2022

Discover the journey of the Baton across the Commonwealth, its history and how to become, or nominate, a Baton bearer in the UK.

Living in Love & Faith Course

8th December 2021

The intention of Living in Love and Faith is not to change anyone's existing position but to offer a space to prayerfully listen to, hear and try to understand stories and perspectives different from our own.

The Bishop's Comment: Work in Progress

8th December 2021

The Christian season of Advent has begun in many places with an act of worship 'From Darkness to Light'. This recognises the dilemmas of human journeys with their sorrows and joys, fears and encouragements, struggles and reliefs.  

Christmas Toylink

20th October 2021

Every Christmas Birmingham City Mission gives gifts to thousands of children in our city, many of whom would otherwise not receive Christmas presents.  

Wellbeing of all in work and life: THRIVE resource

18th October 2021

This is a spiritual and practical guide with some helpful pointers.

Father Gerry, a chaplain to all faiths and none

22nd September 2021

Father Gerry is passionate about young people being given the chance to think through issues for themselves as well as being exposed to the faith of others and given language to talk about their own beliefs whilst respecting and gaining insight into others.

COP15 - the UN Conference on Biodiversity

14th September 2021

COP15, set up to tackle the biodiversity loss and extinction emergency.

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